Nineteen years ago today, WiX was first made available as an open-source project. Nineteen years later, WiX is still going strong, with the release of WiX v4 and the simultaneous release from FireGiant of HeatWave v1.
We've written here about WiX v4's progress in preview releases and HeatWave's progress as the modern Visual Studio experience for WiX v4. We won't repeat that history but for more details, you can read the WiX v4 release notes here and you can read more about HeatWave v1 and download it free of charge here.
FireGiant's support for WiX v4
Today, we're adding WiX v4 to the set of technologies supported in FireGiant's Enterprise Support Program for every customer. That means support customers get the same level of support for WiX v4 they have for WiX v3, including guaranteed bug fixes and unlimited support tickets.
As the open-source WiX project moves on to the next version of WiX, FireGiant customers are assured support for both WiX v4 and WiX v3.
We're offering new and renewing customers expert help migrating to WiX v4.
If you're a FireGiant support customer, reach out to us with any questions you have about upgrading to WiX v4. If you're not yet a FireGiant support customer, sign up here.