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WiX Online Meeting 288 Highlights

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 by Bob Arnson

Our 288th WiX Online Meeting took place on the First Day of Furnace Weather here in Michigan. Normally I force myself to wait until November to turn on the furnace for the season but, like my cold-blooded lizard forebears, I don't do my best thinking at 59°F. So bundle up, watch the meeting playback, and celebrate the season—Happy Halloween and/or Spocktober to all who celebrate!

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WiX v4.0.6 and v5.0.2 have been released

Friday, October 4, 2024 by Bob Arnson

What better way to celebrate the end of the week than by shipping some software—ignore the "never ship on Friday" naysayers. WiX v4.0.6 and v5.0.2 are now available.

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WiX Online Meeting 287 Highlights

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 by Bob Arnson

Today's meeting happens on the 237th Constitution Day in the United States. (Technically, I'd argue that 17-September 1787 ought to count as the first Constitution Day.) Not to make this blog post overly political but it's important for me to acknowledge my unwavering support for the Third—and least controversial—Amendment: Soldiers are welcome; just ask.

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WiX Online Meeting 286 Highlights

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 by Bob Arnson

Our meeting last month was mostly a no-op due to Rob being out of commission with a case of imbalanced humours. So our meeting this month meant that we had two months of accumulated issues to triage. All the data suggests that one month between meetings is fine but two months is way too long. (All the data includes how long it's taken me to write up these highlights.) Our next meeting is scheduled for 17-September.

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WiX Online Meeting 285 Highlights

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 by Bob Arnson

It's been just under a month since our last meeting and we've accumulated a decent chunk of issues that need to be triaged. So, naturally, Rob got sick. We anticipate a full recovery but for now, we'll leave him to his chicken soup and rest while listening to the replay of today's 55th anniversary of the Apollo 11 launch to the moon.

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WiX v5.0.1 has been released

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 by Bob Arnson

As everyone monitoring the WiX repo on GitHub knows, there's recently been activity hinting at an upcoming release of WiX. (And if you're not monitoring the WiX repo, why not?! All the cool kids are doing it! You want to be cool, right?) Well, the hints were right and today we're announcing the release of WiX v5.0.1.

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