As we approach the second Friday the 13th of the year, in this chilly month of October with Halloween just a couple weeks away, we figure it's time to ship some spooky software.

HeatWave v1.0.2

We've fixed a number of bugs in HeatWave and updated the templates to point to WiX v4.0.2, the latest version of WiX. That update is available as HeatWave v1.0.2 and you can get the update two ways:

Download HeatWave from the Visual Studio Marketplace for Visual Studio 2022 or for Visual Studio 2019 and double-click the .vsix to install or upgrade HeatWave.

You can also upgrade HeatWave inside Visual Studio:

  1. Choose Extensions|Manage Extensions.
  2. Expand the Updates node.
  3. Select Visual Studio Marketplace.
  4. Select HeatWave Community Edition.
  5. Choose Update (or Update All).
  6. Choose Close.
  7. Close Visual Studio to trigger the update.

HeatWave Build Tools v4

FireGiant support program customers now have access to HeatWave Build Tools, which provide all the benefits of FireGiant WiX v3 on top of WiX v4:

  • The MSIX extension lets you create MSIX packages from WiX authoring -- no need to start over from scratch.
  • The Driver extension lets you install non-Plug and Play drivers without .inf files or deprecated DIFxApp.
  • FireGiant Bootstrapper Application libraries simplify creating bootstrapper applications for bundles, in both C++ and C#.
  • Advanced Harvesting is easier to use and more powerful than Heat for harvesting from directories and MSBuild projects.
  • The Protected Service extension lets you install Early Launch Antimalware drivers.

Read more about FireGiant Enterprise Support programs.